Sukhishvili - Georgisches Nationalballett


No tickets available at the moment

Sukhishvili - Georgisches Nationalballett

Thursday, 16.11.2023

Wiener Stadthalle, Hall F

No tickets available at the moment

Expected Schedule (Subject to change):
From 06.00 pm: Doors open
07.00 pm: Start 
09.30 pm: Expected end incl. break

Within seventy years, around 90 million peopleworldwide have attended performances by the Georgian National Ballet Sukhishvili. An unmistakable sign that the National Ballet is doing everything right. Now the Sukhishvili Ballet is coming back to Vienna in 2023 to enrapture ballet fans in Austria once again.

The Sukhishvili Georgian National Ballet was founded in 1945 by Iliko Sukhishvili and Nino Ramishvili and has since brought Georgian traditions to the world. Its approximately 300 performances a year have taken the Sukhishvili Georgian National Ballet to the most important houses in the world. Whether Albert Hall, The Metropolitan Opera or Madison Square Garden - the Sukhishvili Georgian National Ballet knows them all.

With its currently seventy dancers, a small orchestra and ravishing choreography, the ballet reliably enchants its audiences and brings the wildest dances to the stage. So it is not surprising that critics attest the Sukhishvili Georgian National Ballet to be the "Eighth Wonder of the World" or a "Unique Phenomenon".

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Sukhishvili - Georgisches Nationalballett | Do, 16.11.2023 @ Wiener Stadthalle, Halle F © Solitex GmbH

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