Irish Celtic

The Spirit of Ireland



No tickets available at the moment

Irish Celtic

The Spirit of Ireland

Friday, 23.02.2024 
Saturday, 24.02.2024

Wiener Stadthalle, Hall F

No tickets available at the moment


Expected timing (subject to change):
From 07.00 pm: 
Doors open
08.00 pm: Start
09.55 pm: Expected end incl. intermission

Pure joie de vivre and warm hospitality, captivating storytelling and rousing live Irish music - all this awaits the audience at Irish Celtic when host Paddy invites them to a rollicking evening in his time-honoured pub, the Irish Celtic.

This show has travelled the world over the past 12 years, performing to over a million people. "Amazing footwork - first class musicianship!" cheers THE SCOTSMAN, giving the show a top rating of 5 stars.

Irish Celtic" reveals the true lifeblood of Ireland - dance and music in their millennia-old tradition. For both have always played a special role in the life of the Irish: even the Druids passed on their ritual circle dances from generation to generation, and even today there are enough occasions on the Emerald Isle to dance and make music together. Whether it's a wedding, a christening or a funeral - dance and music are an integral part of everyday life and an expression of the Irish attitude to life.

Georg Hartmann

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Irish Celtic | Fr, 23. - Sa, 24.02.2024 @ Wiener Stadthalle, Halle F © Georg Hartmann

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